Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy your stroll through our lemur galleries and find the perfect content to meet your needs. Scroll down, and you will find galleries filled with photos of each of the beautiful lemur (and loris!) species we are actively breeding, as well as information on recent births and happenings around the Lemur Center. Staff photographer David Haring has been documenting our lemurs for over 30 years, and his photos have been featured in many popular publications, journal articles, calendars and websites. He has the world's largest collection of photographs of the world's largest collection of lemurs!

Please feel free to contact the Duke Lemur Center with any questions or requests.

15110 photos, 3 videos
Visitors 7118

The Duke Lemur Center is the world's leading facility for the captive care and study of earth's most endangered mammals - lemurs, native only to Madagascar. The Center houses the largest colony of lemurs outside of their island home. We offer students, scientists and the general public the opportunity to visit and learn about these amazing creatures.

The mission of the Duke Lemur Center is to promote research and understanding of prosimians and their natural habitat as a means of advancing the frontiers of knowledge, to contribute to the educational development of future leaders in international scholarship and conservation and to enhance the human condition by stimulating intellectual growth and sustaining global biodiversity.

All Photographs

Red-ruffed lemur infants (Varecia rubra) from previous years

Visitors 262
229 photos
Created 9-Nov-23
Modified 9-Nov-23
Red-ruffed lemur infants (Varecia rubra) from previous years

Mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz)

Visitors 288
298 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz)

slide show

Visitors 326
84 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
slide show

DAT Madagascar, 2012

Galleries 5
Modified 24-Apr-23
1951 photos
DAT  Madagascar, 2012

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) infants from previous years

Visitors 263
483 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) infants from previous years

David Haring's Madagascar trip, 2012

Visitors 146
249 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
David Haring's Madagascar trip, 2012

Duke Alumni Tour Madagascar, 2012

Visitors 292
71 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
Duke Alumni Tour Madagascar, 2012

Coquerel's sifaka (Propithecus coquereli)

Visitors 684
1822 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Coquerel's sifaka (Propithecus coquereli)

Coquerel's sifaka infants from previous years

Visitors 341
1316 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Coquerel's sifaka infants from previous years

Aye-aye (Daubentonia)

Visitors 1432
1067 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Aye-aye (Daubentonia)

Aye-aye infants from previous years

Visitors 495
318 photos
Created 9-Jan-24
Modified 9-Jan-24
Aye-aye infants from previous years

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) adults

Visitors 386
868 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) adults

Black and white ruffed lemur adults (Varecia variegata variegata)

Visitors 360
329 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Black and white ruffed lemur adults (Varecia variegata variegata)

Black and white ruffed lemur infants

Visitors 294
199 photos
Created 9-Jan-24
Modified 9-Jan-24
Black and white ruffed lemur infants

Fat-tailed dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus medius)

Visitors 869
414 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Fat-tailed dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus medius)

Red-ruffed lemur adults

Visitors 216
335 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Red-ruffed lemur adults

Pygmy slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus)

Visitors 1110
96 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
Pygmy slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus)

Blue-eyed lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons)

Visitors 479
535 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Blue-eyed lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons)

What's new at the Lemur Center!

Visitors 1007
1894 photos
Created 6-Mar-25
Modified 6-Mar-25
What's new at the Lemur Center!

Not so recent births: Our geriatric lemurs

Visitors 497
124 photos
Created 25-May-23
Modified 25-May-23
Not so recent births: Our geriatric lemurs

Mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus)

Visitors 646
245 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus)

old DLC news

Visitors 62
26 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
old DLC news

Blue-eyed black lemur infants

Visitors 147
362 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Blue-eyed black lemur infants

Leaping Lemurs! Summer Science Camp 2013

Visitors 105
92 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
Leaping Lemurs!  Summer Science Camp 2013

Crowned lemurs (Eulemur coronatus

Visitors 207
155 photos
Created 24-Jan-24
Modified 24-Jan-24
Crowned lemurs (Eulemur coronatus

Red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer

Visitors 51
12 photos
Created 21-Aug-23
Modified 21-Aug-23
Red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer

DLC Research

Visitors 200
79 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Research

DLC animal care, training and enrichment

Visitors 227
71 photos
Created 2-Oct-24
Modified 2-Oct-24
DLC animal care, training and enrichment

DLC tours and special events

Visitors 104
65 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC tours and special events

crowned lemur infants years past

Visitors 112
155 photos
Created 21-Aug-23
Modified 21-Aug-23
crowned lemur infants years past

Leaping Lemurs 2014! Summer Science Camp

Visitors 55
77 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
Leaping Lemurs 2014!  Summer Science Camp

Jovian 4/10/94-11/10/14

Visitors 115
40 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
Jovian 4/10/94-11/10/14

Mongoose lemur infants from previous years

Visitors 86
194 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
Mongoose lemur infants from previous years

DLC physical plant

Visitors 22
16 photos
Created 16-Jan-24
Modified 16-Jan-24
DLC physical plant

DLC VIP guests

Visitors 21
11 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC VIP guests

DLC Duke merchandising

Visitors 22
6 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Duke merchandising

DLC Veterinary care

Visitors 25
11 photos
Created 31-May-23
Modified 31-May-23
DLC Veterinary care

DLC staff

Visitors 45
23 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC staff

Holiday photos

Visitors 36
15 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
Holiday photos

Bamboo lemurs

Visitors 50
20 photos
Created 14-Jun-23
Modified 14-Jun-23
Bamboo lemurs

DLC Duke Library exhibit: portrait format photos

Visitors 72
81 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Duke Library exhibit: portrait format photos

DLC Duke Library Exhibit: landscape format photos

Visitors 67
93 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Duke Library Exhibit: landscape format photos

Collared lemurs (Eulemur collaris)

Visitors 40
83 photos
Created 16-Jan-24
Modified 16-Jan-24
Collared lemurs (Eulemur collaris)

50 photos from 50 years of the Lemur Center

Visitors 40
51 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
50 photos from 50 years of the Lemur Center

DH facebook posts and photos with stories

Visitors 123
81 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DH facebook posts and photos with stories

DLC: A Celebration of Hope

Visitors 49
100 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC: A Celebration of Hope


Visitors 16
107 photos
Created 8-Jan-24
Modified 8-Jan-24

red-fronted lemurs

Visitors 27
48 photos
Created 17-Jan-24
Modified 17-Jan-24
red-fronted lemurs

DLC Mission Madagascar event, 2018

Visitors 18
38 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Mission Madagascar event, 2018

DLC Mission Madagascar Tropical Gala, 2019

Visitors 9
67 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Mission Madagascar Tropical Gala, 2019

L catta for Granatosky

Visitors 1
8 photos
Created 6-Aug-21
Modified 6-Aug-21
L catta for Granatosky

DLC Photo Tour 2019

Visitors 0
4 photos
Created 24-Apr-23
Modified 24-Apr-23
DLC Photo Tour 2019

Marcus photos for D Lynch

Visitors 5
6 photos
Created 3-Jun-23
Modified 3-Jun-23
Marcus photos for D Lynch
Open All Photographs